Where to eat ?
There are thousands of
ristoranti (restaurants): the most formal type of place to eat
when one is not in a hurry, sometimes a little fancy and pricy and
family-run; trattoria and osteria:
less formal than a ristorante, where local specialties are
served; panineria: a sandwich bar, where a quick meal can
be had at any time of the day; pizzeria: is not only for
pizza lovers!
is not only the largest producer of wines, but above all a producer of
great wines.”
Its climate,
soil and very old traditions of viticulture make Italy a natural wine
growing nation. The wines are as personal as a name, as different as the
colors of the rainbow and as much a part of Italian life as almost 3,000
years of tradition can make them. The Etruscans of North-Central Italy,
who created one of the peninsula's earliest civilizations, left evidence
of how to make wine. The Greeks who soon after established themselves in
the South gave Italy the name Enotria (the land of wine).
For centuries wine growing has been the cultivation which used most of
the labor of the Italian farmers; this is still true today; a large part
of the population is engaged in the vine and wine industry.