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The unit of currency is the Norwegian krone, which is abbreviated NOK. NOK 1=100 øre. The Norwegian krone differs in value from the Danish, Icelandic and Swedish krone and travelers entering Norway from any of these countries should be aware that those currencies are not accepted in Norway for payment of goods and services.At press time (2002), NOK 7.50 equaled (U.S) $1.

Currency exchange banks are located at major international airports, and rail and ship-terminals, usually outside customs areas in arrival hall. All Norwegian banks and major post offices exchange foreign currency. There are more than 800 ATMs in Norway accepting CIRRUS card, as well as 1,200 banks and post offices for cash advances. The U.S. CIRRUS card may be used at cash dispensers of DNB (Den Norske Bank), Fokus Bank, Handelsbanken, K-Bank (Kreditkassen), Landsbanken and Postbanken.


Norway - Currency
